Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The American Conundrum

It's my belief that the events happening in Canada are large part due to USA who are supporting China covertly. Which is why the war with Russia was started. To take off the focus from China. Regime change and Hindu genocide in Bangladesh was to help China and open another front against India. Today we have China their allies Pakistan and Bangladesh surrounding us from 3 sides. The idea is destroy India by splitting India into multiple nations. Revival of khalistan movement giving shelter to pannu who openly says from USA soil that he will attack Indian parliament is proof of this. What India needs a course correction. We need to get into military alliance with Russia. Remove the no first use of nuclear weapons clause. Make it compulsory for ever building to have bomb shelter, start teaching in school what do to during atomic war. Invest in star wars so we can target any enemy. Get our business to help Russia move our business interest out of USA, build an alliance with Vietnam Japan, Iran and Russia to protect us from USA, China , Pakistan, Anglo nexus. Without that I don't see a future for us as independent Nation. Sadly I always felt India and USA were natural partners. We share so much but unfortunately till the time George Soros runs american politics and decide who becomes the american president till the time USA gets back it's democracy. The partnership with USA will not happen. In meantime we are defenseless and can't wait for american public to wake up and smell the coffee. USa will eventually understand and democracy is self correcting. However Bharat has limited time. We are going to war in next 10 years and for us to survive we need Russia, Iran ,Vietnam , Thailand, Phillipines, Japan, Isreal I am not including Australia or New Zealand as they are Anglo nations and will side with USA however as China will eventually take over Australia and new Zealand. There is great chance that they come to outside. In middle east apart from iran we can look at Saudi Arabia UAE Jordon as friend. This will however make sure that turkey, Palestine go towards the USA. So Israel will continue to have problems. In any case with the hate for Jews in USA it's a matter of time the democratic party takes an open stance against the Jews leaving them no option but to come to our side. Unfortunately this alliance will not work without Russia. For safety of India we have to make it work. USA and it's wealthy are too invested in China to do anything against it. Intact they will support China more then anyone else. However China will take down USA. Eventually USA will understand that and it's public stand up to it's crony capitalists. But by that time USA might not exist and we don't have the time to wait and see what happens the danger to India is immediate