I was alarmed to read that your government wants to increase price of diesel and cars running on it let me give you my take on this:
I. Diesel cars help us commute to areas where there is no public transport and they are cheaper to run if you are travelling long distrance
II. I work in greater Noida travel 64 km to work why:-
a. Worried if I keep my family in greater Noida what can happen to them
b. Power problems
c. There is no public transport if I need to go to railway station or my wife is travelling to her home town
d. There are no good public hospital and pvt ones are not good at all
III. If you increase price of diesel bus train and food prices will hit the roof
IV. What is the good of earning any money if everything is priced out of my reach.
V. What is sad this all is happening after I got married if I was unmarried I would have left my job joined some organization to help liberate India after all on this 63 republic day:
a. I cannot get even an FIR registered without running pillar to post
b. My boss can abuse me and get away though I am white collared worker
c. I joined pvt sector means I am paid less than Government and there is no social security
d. There are no additional benefits like housing etc so while a Govt. servant pays 1000 for a house I pay 14,000 and then too face problems.
VI. If you want people to use less of their car I am one who would love to but where is the public transport system.
VII. Have you seen rush hour in metro.
VIII. You will never have guts to travel by it I am willing to but is there a metro in Greater Noida.
IX. Ever been to Agra seen the infrastructure where is public transport there.
X. When you talk about privatization its become an excuse to fleece people example:
a. DND for years people are paying to use it to reach Noida the alternative roads are broken
b. Gurgaon toll plaza you have to pay to reach it and get in huge line
c. Noda expressway even this free road is becoming toll road
d. Any national highway
XI. If you look at the above I wonder what will higher excise duty give us better roads no all national highways roads are owned by pvt sector and one has to pay to use them.
XII. For moving around NCR one has to pay to use the roads what are we paying road tax for I really do not know
XIII. I am told you are educated but then why do you forget the American war for independence started because of taxation without representation I today would want to know why am I paying toll and for what.
XIV. Why are there no parking spots.
XV. Why do children do not have benches to study in the national capital of India
XVI. Why justice has become a prostitute who sleeps with the rich of this nation.
XVII. Why is every clerk in government a billionaire while we who slog get poorer
XVIII. Why the rich escape everytime and the poor get the boot
XIX. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, where knowledge is free… why are these words only a dream
XX. Why do I have to complain to you for my UID card though I was enrolled in july 2011 yet even today the card has not reached me
XXI. Why can this nation not have grievance system that works
XXII. Why can the victims not be treated with respect by police
XXIII. Why can ahemdis be stopped by shahi imam of Jama Majid from talking about their religion and this be done because ahemdis are minority why there are many Sunni moslem
XXIV. Why can one not talk about religion without getting beaten up by Thugs from Moslem or Hindu gangs
XXV. Why can congress only talk of freedom never give freedom of expression.
There are so many whys do you or this government have answer to any of them. I have voted for your government due to RTI being passed for last 3 elections inclusing state election. This time I will not vote for you because of the sheer number of questions and the frustration I face. I can not buy a house but a clerk in MCD can own multiple. Do not know why my father was an honest officer and why I used to believe in honesty it certainly does not pay to be honest.
Look at you my school teacher used to give your example but look where Sonia Gandhi has brought you
Amolakh Nath Segal