Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The American Conundrum

It's my belief that the events happening in Canada are large part due to USA who are supporting China covertly. Which is why the war with Russia was started. To take off the focus from China. Regime change and Hindu genocide in Bangladesh was to help China and open another front against India. Today we have China their allies Pakistan and Bangladesh surrounding us from 3 sides. The idea is destroy India by splitting India into multiple nations. Revival of khalistan movement giving shelter to pannu who openly says from USA soil that he will attack Indian parliament is proof of this. What India needs a course correction. We need to get into military alliance with Russia. Remove the no first use of nuclear weapons clause. Make it compulsory for ever building to have bomb shelter, start teaching in school what do to during atomic war. Invest in star wars so we can target any enemy. Get our business to help Russia move our business interest out of USA, build an alliance with Vietnam Japan, Iran and Russia to protect us from USA, China , Pakistan, Anglo nexus. Without that I don't see a future for us as independent Nation. Sadly I always felt India and USA were natural partners. We share so much but unfortunately till the time George Soros runs american politics and decide who becomes the american president till the time USA gets back it's democracy. The partnership with USA will not happen. In meantime we are defenseless and can't wait for american public to wake up and smell the coffee. USa will eventually understand and democracy is self correcting. However Bharat has limited time. We are going to war in next 10 years and for us to survive we need Russia, Iran ,Vietnam , Thailand, Phillipines, Japan, Isreal I am not including Australia or New Zealand as they are Anglo nations and will side with USA however as China will eventually take over Australia and new Zealand. There is great chance that they come to outside. In middle east apart from iran we can look at Saudi Arabia UAE Jordon as friend. This will however make sure that turkey, Palestine go towards the USA. So Israel will continue to have problems. In any case with the hate for Jews in USA it's a matter of time the democratic party takes an open stance against the Jews leaving them no option but to come to our side. Unfortunately this alliance will not work without Russia. For safety of India we have to make it work. USA and it's wealthy are too invested in China to do anything against it. Intact they will support China more then anyone else. However China will take down USA. Eventually USA will understand that and it's public stand up to it's crony capitalists. But by that time USA might not exist and we don't have the time to wait and see what happens the danger to India is immediate 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

when your past catches up with your present

Many aeons ago on a cold and rainy afternoon a a boy read a story of a Shepherd who would guide crippled plans back over the dark and foggy North sea. The rain was going pit and Patt on the tin roof a glass of hot tea turning rapidly luckwarm was in his hand as he read and reread the story musing that his elder brother Adarsh Nath Segal had told him the story then he walked out of the school library to the warm and sun light and walked up to his his house to see Nainital and plains of stretched out like a postcard just behind the Govt house. As he looked he fell in thought and enjoyed the warm sun.... The same boy on a lazy Saturday afternoon turned on the tv and put on Disney hotstar found the same story as a move there 


What is perhaps a coincidence he is going to a meet at 7.00 pm with some 20 of his old school students. Is the world round or is this a coincidence! Is there anything called coincidence? If only we knew...... the pahlie (puzzle) called life 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Where have the women Gone

A young woman today in the metro for some reason that is best known to all the donkeys in the world when the devil enters their brain. Started to show her pugilistic instinct in a most violent way. With choicest of Punjab thrown in that sounded like cuss words. While I was thanking the good lord for not allowing sikh women kripan in his wisdom. Just then Lo and behold she pulls out a rather large evil looking huge pin from her hair and starts stabbing the other woman. While screaming and crying simultaneously in a way sure to damage your ear drums or it could be hypersonic cry of the fabled banshee sure to put cold terror in your heart. 

Whoever called women the weaker sex was demented and needs to be locked up pronto. Anyhow it took some lady cops to stop the fighting, an endeavor they tried and failed. Apparently the government in its most sexist way tries to hire women who are like women must be due to gentlemen doing the hiring rather than  letting women officers doing the hiring. Any how it took several women quite some time to pull them apart and take them out. Then  a rather humongous woman police officer went completely mad and started asking people why we were not intervening in the fight or stopping it. When I was accosted by this rather heavy and humongous woman as to why I was not stopping a fight which was a blood bath. I told her I had no intention of attracting IPC 354A and other rather draconian as well as colonial sections of Indian penal code. She let me go while other gentlemen who obviously almost had a mental break down in seeing such violence were still held back. To be harassed further. Had they intervene they would be called sexual predator for touching women inappropriately and now that they had not they were guilty of not helping women. Sometimes I wonder if we need an armed rebellion against local constabulary who still have not been made aware that India got independence in 1947. They are a fine institution which is still serving the British Raj. Blissful unaware of the events that happened on 15th Aug 1947. Oh the wonder that was British Empire they have left but left the babudom and police here effectively allowing the British to still rule us. After all where else but in a nation shackled can you have a food official drain an entire reservoir in a drought bound area to recover a mobile phone. Water enough to water 1500 acres of land. That man was just suspended and not dismissed. Yet history books tell us we are a free nation! Chose our own government 🤣. Yes we chose our leader but not the government that is still selected by the British. Sometimes popular govt like that of Mr Modi do make a law that leads removal of the blue and red light on their cars but this new law is applicable only in the nation and state capital of this nation and its staye. So much for popular govt mandate to make the babu accountable  to public or a police force that heeds and tries to help citizen or a judiciary that close a case in the life time of the original plaintiff. In fact the higher judiciary finds it offensive to use the local Indian languages. Their Lordship still use English but then india did not have lords; they are a British construct.

Coming back from Pax Britannica.  It was a rather fine start to a morning with 4 hours lost to women empowerment. Making me pray to all the gods that consider this part of travesty and inclusion oops I mean diversity and inclusion compulsory training for which nasty emails will be coming.  I do hope they allow kripan to sikh women and next time they take each other's head. Would some of the men have fainted ? Had this be done in the train?  Perhaps yes. As for women I certainly doubt that those creatures have anything akin to mercy in them. Those are lady like quality which are extinct One wonders where have the ladies gone. Oh well I guess one has to travel more to Thailand then to Goa eh 😀! 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Ram Naam and Congress

10 Jan 1775 Rajputna Rifile was raised by the British do you know its war cry ? Raja Ram Chandra Ki 
Jai. From world War 1, 2 to kargil this war cry has scared the enemy . This regiment was the first to win a victory cross. Over the course of its existence, members of the regiment have received six Victoria Crosses, two Military Crosses, one Param Vir Chakra, three Ashok Chakras, one Padma Bhushan, fourteen Param Vishisht Seva Medals, ten Maha Vir Chakras, eleven Kirti Chakras, 18 Ati Vishisht Seva Medals, two Uttam Yudh Seva Medal, 50 Vir Chakras, 28 Shaurya Chakras, 122 Sena Medals (including Bar), 39 Vishisht Seva Medals, three Yudh Seva Medals, 85 Mentions-in-Dispatches and 55 Arjun Awards.

Yet congress party files an affidavit saying Ram is a mythological figure this figure inspires a nation. It inspires people give their best. It inspires the common to become superman. If you don't know ram then you don't know Hindustan atma. Ram the name used by Mahatma. Ram the word on mahatma mouth when he passed away and you call him mythological? Is it a wonder you are being relegated to the dustbin of  history. To know ram is to know this land. Even today he rules the hearts of many.

Monday, April 20, 2020

A New Empire

The side effect of America First is that US left world leadership. Now china is moving in. Most of africa is under china control. WHO budget that usa said it will not be finding is being taken over by china. China is now closest ally of Pakistan. The new world order is China first and usa is now second fiddle. When you leave world leadership then someone will move into the vacuum so created. Let's all hail the new empire the Chinese one. American want america first and the world needs a leader the new leader weather we like it or not is china. I don't see it changing as long as it's america first.  Also the means do not justify the ends america thought so and hence it worked with only dictators and despots. Because while a country like india took time and had to think of local issues an dictatorship did not. So many times we have heard the American business saying things move fast in China because if there is any opposition it ends up in concentration camps or with a bullet in the head. Well you supported china for that reason as well as pakistan net result china can take you on and has filled your boots. It's the rising sun. Will American be able to recovery yes they can but their weakness is the ends justifying the ends they weakness is bring religion to everything. Their weakness is their greed. Democracy is about laws and regulations individuals space if they do not respect that then this is sun is bound to set.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Son of God

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948 born a hindu died a hindu. Loved mankind and his goat. Gave the world a new bible known as my experiments with truth. Shook the evil white man empire known as British empire. Was hated by the butcher of West Bengal and icon of so called White man burden Winston Churchill who starved to dead more people in Bengal then even hitler. True to the British nature of being thugs Mr Churchill never cleared his dues of Bangalore club and 13 rupees a princely sum in those days was written off by Banglore club as irrecoverable debt'. 

Today is the death anniversary one of the greatest human being Mahatma Gandhi who left  this worldly abode for his rightful place in heaven with God. The true son of God he was and as with his other son we murdered this one too. We don’t learn from our mistakes do we? The world miss him and the best words that I can think of are from my moral compass and favourite author which are “It shows how dangerous it is to be too good.” – George Bernard Shaw. However on this rare occasion I would beg to differ from Mr Shaw. For Mahatma knew what he was doing. He was offered police protection he refused he sat on a dharna to stop police from frisking people who came to meet him. There was a bomb attack yet he refused. In fact he said that should I die a normal death proclaim that I am no Mahatma. He knew and I chose to believe without proof that he being very spiritually aligned knew the time and who would kill him. My only regret is that Mr Godse was hanged Bapu would have forgiven him. Unfortunately even Mahatma followers did know the Mahatma so well or Shall we say they were too human to know the greatness of Mahatma. They chose to hang when they could have let him live and I believe it would be worse punishment for Mr Godse. The voice of ones conscience is the biggest slave driver,many a boss would be put to shame because one can run from everyone but one can not run from oneself. Not everyone can understand what I am writing ✍️ but everyone knows what I am writing. Mahatma proved that the greatest power in the world is spiritual. That one man can become a Mahatma,Even in kalyug. To one of the greatest man to have walked on the face of Earth we raise a toast may your fame be everlasting.

Friday, December 6, 2019

murder most foul

This is murder because a trial if held would have exposed the truth. This is easy find poor people who would not have access to lawyers. Accuse them make selective leaks in press to have outage increased in public. The media will hype it more and more so that even western nation will issue advisory  against travel to India.  Increase the hype day by day. Eventually the lawyers say they will not defend the accused. Then kill them say they tried to run. These were people who earned less then 5000 a month that is around 70 us dollars and are daily wager means if they dont work they dont earn and hence when in jail they will not be earning without money they can not access the legal system. Here are the following facts that make me feel this is a murder 
1) victim is burned alive proving rape will be difficult 
2) lack of eye witness or forensics evidence like finger prints DNA mobile tracking etc.

The problem was that if a trial happened they might go Scot free and that would be egg in face of politican.who would find it difficult in election to explain this to people.  The public was anyhow wanting quick trial.There were petition that hang them before year ends, considering today is 6 December 2019 less then a month to hang them and mind you court would be closed and on holidays. That this is a British pactice is irrelevant to morden India no one is borthered least of their Lordship's No one wanted a fair trial. Weird in the same state a woman forest officer was beaten up by a poltican in the same state a woman tasilder (revenue offical) was burnt alive and the IAS (indian administrative Service) associations were the only people condemning it. 
The problem was middle class was rattled they felt that it could happen to them  they felt unsafe the face book and twitter republic were out raged they wanted a mob lynching and that is what has happened. Today is a bolt on name of justice and you and I are  responsible for this murder. The karma will flow in our life we have ordered this hit as much as the police man or woman who fired the finger that pressed the trigger was ours and that policeman or woman will one day take money to fire his gun on some one like us. Do you know why because he or she have got away with murder. They have understood how to use tv and social media to make us behave like mob. Police reforms are urgently needed but we will never ask for them because we are happy that justice has been done without a trial. In a nation where over 80% rape cases are false where 70% case are false where the situation is so bad that justice mulla of Allahbad high court had to say in open court that the only organized force of criminals is police force. Why blame the police they comprise or people like you and me. Supreme court in a landmark judgement in 2006 aprox said the man manning traffic should not be investigating crimes but that is what happens. The man doing beat is the investigation officer and we are not bothered.  If we are this callous then we deserve what we get. Police is human you dont worry how they work what pressure are there when a man or woman approaches the police the first thing you want is the person you are reporting against should be beaten up this is the sad reality and when you want this what is that the police officer learns it's alright to do violence against people. They learn that and one day they do it on an innocent and you feel they are criminals they are what you have made them. If Justice Mulla  is correct then he too was responsible for the police becoming evil. As a judge he could have curbed it rather then lecturing but how many times did he do it?  When we expect want or ask the police to do illegal things we are preparing our graves. Police reforms are the bedrock of democracy yet I have hardly heard the civil society wanting it. What I have seen in last 40 years is the demand of police to kill criminal and not arrest them. This demand lead to movies where false encounter were glorified. This demand lead to extortion it lead to large then life role for some officers. Who pays the traffic police bribe when they challan you ? You do and what happens is that the constable learns how easy it's to make money. Then you blame him for extortion from trucks. Now you as citizen bribed him till he thought bribe is his or her right. If he or she demands what he or she precieved as his right then this is bound to happen. Both false encounter and bribes are result of your expectations. In Today's murder the blood is as much on your hands as mine it's no different from the blood of christ or the suspicion on the character of sita. You and I forced her exile as much as we crucified  the saint sent to save us. Even God can't help if we dont help ourself and please please support police reforms. They are more important then tax breaks.